segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2021

Horários Day 10 (Yoosung Route)

⋅⋆⊱╌╍╌╍╌⋇❬Day 10❭⋇╌╍╌╍╌⊰⋆⋅

*00h10 - Jaehee's trust (Jaehee)
*01h50 - Can't sleep (ZenJaehee)
*03h13 - Wish for the best (Jumin)
*06h50 - Anxious Zen (Zen)
*08h59 - Trust them and be patient (JuminJaehee)
*12h12 - Waiting to hear from them (Zen)
*17h30 - Return (Yoosung)
*18h45 - The purpose of the hacker (Jumin707)
*20h21 - Relieved Zen and Jaehee (ZenJaehee)
*22h22 - I will see you tomorrow (Jumin)


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